05+ Stunning Demos Sample
You can save tons of time to build your store same as 05+ demos Samples in Ves Eveprest Magento 2 Fashion Store Theme. So quick & convenient!
07+ Customized Elements Supported
No code touching! Just select 07+ Premade Elements related product Delivery, Detail Page, Informative FAQ page.
Instagram Integrated
Support to show-off all beautiful Images related product to advertise for your store in Magento 2 Fashion Theme.
The Best Page Builder with 50+ Widgets
Take it easy with Magento 2 Page Builder. Build/edit content, layouts your Homepage Magento 2 Fashion Store with ease.
Classic Submenus & Dynamic Menu
Create a wide range of Submenus and Dynamic Menus to expose your store in neat and scientifical.
Modern, User-friendly Mobile Optimization
Display well Images, Background layout and content easily on Mobile.
Multiple Category Layouts
At category page, you can choose one of premade style layouts as you want.
Multiple Blog Page Layouts
Displayed your Blog in different Layouts in 1 column , 2 column, 3 column left and right.
Unlimited Customization Themes
Allow to customize any part of Themes; header, footer, thanks to adding shortcode to customize it.
Showcase Product List
Displayed random products in your Ecommerce Store for all customers so their access to your store becomes easier.
Advertise Brand Product
Expose all your Brand of your product to attract customers and reinforce customers belief your product quality.
Full control E-store
Full management entire your Ecommerce Store Operation from Orders, Products, Sale, Invoice,…
Optimized for SEO
Simply to Add Meta Keyword, Meta Description, keyword which helps your store can be rank automatically by Google Bots.
Enjoy Amazing Customer Experience With Us
What customer experiences you really want to get? happiness, sadness, joy, fear, interest, anger, or trust? Coming with us, you will get the most enjoyable customer experiences. Our dedicated support team always here to help if you have any issue.
Compatible With Marketplace Extension
Ves Eveprest is compatible with LandOfCoder MultiVendor Marketplace and other most popular Magento extensions from #1 provider such as LandOfCoder.
Compatible with Best Magento 2 Extensions
Last but not least, this Magento 2 fashion store theme can work well with the most useful Magento 2 extensions. To make your website perform with more incredible and advanced functions, you should get those modules separately.
Best Magento 2 themes for Magento 2.3.x
Have your online store been upgraded to Magento 2.3.x yet? Those themes are compatible with Magento 2.3.x and would be perfect for your website.